The ticket is hardly the only expense you're going to have when flying.

Hudson Group, the largest owner of airport stores in North America with 950 outlets, has released a list of the most popular items people bought at its airport shops last year.

You'll notice a recurring theme among the top of the list. Water took spots one through five, while Coke products took three spots in spots six through 10.

Most Popular Items to Buy at the Airport

1. Dasani bottled water (20 oz)
2. Glaceau Smartwater (20 oz)
3. Large Dasani (one liter)
4. Glaceau Smartwater (one liter)
5. Glaceau Smartwater (23.8 oz)
6. Diet Coke (20 oz)
7. Coca-Cola (20 oz)
8. M&M Peanut king-size
9. Coca-Cola Zero (20 oz)
10. The Wall Street Journal

Of course, we'd like to see a survey about the average cost of these products. Everything is increased what seems 50-fold in airports, so we're all conditioned to pay $3 for a bottle of water when we can go to a water fountain and enjoy H2O free of charge.