WRRV’s Rants & Raves: Everybody Hates Bill O’Reilly… And Goldie Hawn
Check out the latest episode of WRRV's Rants & Raves. See what the Hudson Valley is ranting about this week.
Each week I allow the WRRV listeners and beyond to vent their frustrations. This week it seemed like everyone was especially ornery.
We covered everything Bill O'Reilly, Beta fish and Goldie Hawn. Who would of thought people would have such a strong opinion about Bill O'Reilly being fired? Yes, that was sarcasm.
Here's What I Learned:
1. "Bill O'Reilly is an old perverted douche bag".
There's someone in the Hudson Valley who really hates Bill O'Reilly.
2. Petsmart fish get no respect.
If you were going to get a Beta Fish from Petsmart be warned. The fish could be ugly and or "fierce as f***".
3. Goldie Hawn didn't age well and "decrepit" is a hard word to spell.
I hadn't seen a picture of Goldie Hawn in quite sometime and she's definitely aged a bit. I don't could care less. I'll always have the hots for the former coach of the Wildcats.