You would expect Hollywood hotties to have significant others on the same playing field but for these 9 couples...not so much! Some you may already be aware of like..

Jay-Z & Beyonce...No offense Jay we all know Bey is way hotter, sexier and just down right gorgeous.

Getty Images:Mike Coppola
Getty Images:Mike Coppola

But here's one that was just down right shocking to me! Sexy wolverine, Huge Jackman and wife Deborah Lee Furness. Again I'm not trying to me mean here but come on! Huge is like a million women fantasy man! On other hand it does give us girls some hope for much hotter hubby!

Getty Images:Graham Denholm
Getty Images:Graham Denholm

Jay, Bey, Huge and Deb are just a couple couples who made the here to check out all nine celebrity couple I must say leaves much to be desired in the looks department...but one is the lesser of the two evils i'll say...hint we play her music here at WRRV! Any guesses? Here's another hint...she's a princess cut from marble!