McDonald’s Restaurant Takes a Surprising Approach to Attracting Employees
How bad is the worker shortage in this country? McDonald's has started giving out Happy Meals to their employees.
I don't know about you but when I hear the words "shortage" and "McDonald's" in the same sentence I get a little freaked out. Is there a fry shortage? No, but there could be a fry cook shortage which is equally terrifying.
Remember the good old days when just good help was hard to find? Now it seems like any sort of help is difficult to find. Unemployment rates in New York are slowly declining but the worker shortage is still very real.
A lot of employers offer a sign on bonus when they take on new employees. More often than not these incentives are cash. McDonald's isn't a company that you hear offering these bonuses but new hires at one McDonald's location are lovin' it right now. Why? If they take the job they qualify to get a free iPhone. While some companies are too busy thinking outside the bun, McDonald's is thinking outside the box to get more people to wear the uniform.
Newsweek, reported that an unidentified McDonald's location is giving employees free iPhones after 6 months of employment. Someone posted the McDonald's advertisement in a Twitter post.
According to Newsweek, this isn't the first unconventional approach the company has taken to get people to come work under the golden arches. They reported that last month, one franchise owner offered applicants with a $50 reward just to show up for the interview.
This sign on bonus is probably exclusive to one franchise but if you see anything in similar offered in the Hudson Valley let us know.
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