American Flag Found Flying over Mount Beacon
Sometimes you just have to take a little hike and usually the view is worth it.
Yesterday, for some reason me and CJ do a little team building hike. It was a beautiful day in the Hudson Valley, so why not take advantage of all the cool stuff we can do?
I haven't been to Mount Beacon since before the tornadoes tore through the Hudson Valley, which I firmly believe made it more difficult to navigate. CJ has never hiked Mount Beacon before so this was all new terrain for him.
After several minutes of telling him "we're almost to the top" and a handful of water breaks we finally made it to Mount Beacon landing. And the Hudson Valley was serving up some serious looks.
But I noticed something that I hadn't the last time I was there. Someone had placed an American Flag right by the overlook.
It was a beautiful sight, worth the agonizing hike. Considering other mountain tops, like Breakneck, have Old Glory flying high it's about time some one put her up on Mount Beacon.
Whoever you are, thank you!
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