Legal? Pleasant Valley and Wappingers NY Have Roosters to Spare
Do you realize that there was an abundance of Roosters in Pleasant Valley and Wappingers Falls? So much so, that their owners have taken to Craigslist to find them new homes. Is this something that you might actually purchase or look for on a Craigslist ad?
Where is the best place to get a rooster in the Hudson Valley NY?
What if you have a rooster on your property, is it legal to have them there as a pet in New York?
Well, this is New York State, so the answer to that question, is it depends. If you are thinking about giving these birds a new home on your property, you will have to ask that question with your local town. The local town is the one that makes up those laws.
Can you own a pet rooster in Pleasant Valley New York?
For instance, in Pleasant Valley, you can have chickens (and roosters) as long as you have at least two acres of property, it needs to be fenced and at least 100 feet from your property line. Just a note, you might want to check with your neighbors to see if they are immune to loud noises as roosters do not have an on/off switch.
Can you own a pet rooster in Wappingers Falls New York?
In the Village of Wappingers, unless you can say that these little guys are 'domesticated' you are not allowed to have them and live in the Village of Wappingers. Maybe that's why the person in Wappingers is trying to find them a new home?
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