Best Place in The Hudson Valley to Get a Tattoo?
I'm sure this is extremely debatable but where is the best place in the Hudson Valley to get some ink?
If you're considering getting a new tattoo is it something that you impulsively get or do you pick out a design and sit on it for a while? What are the things to look for when getting a tattoo?
If you're looking to get some new ink in the Hudson Valley who better to listen to then you guys? We put the question to you Hudson Valley and your passion was so impressive.
"Hudson Valley Tattoo Company. Only shop I would let touch me within PA, NJ and the Hudson Valley. They have artists who specialize in different types of art. Jay just tattooed Vin from Brand New and Shish recently tattooed Travie McCoy from Gym Class Heroes."
"Sit on it! My husband got an impulse tattoo when he was 18 & regretted it ever since! Thanks to Kristoff VonStein @2tonetattoos It is now gone & is a beautiful well thought out piece of work!"
"Definitely Graceland Tattoo. In my opinion it's always good to have a design idea first and the artist will work with you on it."
There is some solid advice. More to come.