Which Planet Fitness is the Best in the Hudson Valley?
Prior to the pandemic hitting, I primarily worked out at my college's gym. It wasn't anything big, but there was enough room and equipment to get your workout done, especially if you found the right times. If you went when a sports team was in there training, forget about it. I typically went around lunch time or real late at night. Either time worked out pretty well for me. I'd typically run a few miles, do a few calisthenics, and depending on the day, rotate a few sets on the machines. It would be a decent workout.
By the time the pandemic started, I needed to shift my workout. I found a number of at-home workouts to keep me going. I'll admit, I haven't been the greatest with consistency, but lately I have been on the right track. I'll admit; though, just having a different environment can be motivating, and help improve my workouts. If I am at home, I would rather want to be comfortable and sit on the couch.
This got me thinking about gyms around the area. We've been doing several galleries on restaurants, but nothing about gyms. We've been writing about the places where you can pack on the pounds, but not the places to lose them. So, today's article sheds a light on the best Planet Fitness locations in the Hudson Valley. Whether you are looking for a new gym, or already go to one of these locations, these Planet Fitness's have a rating of 4.1 or higher according to Google, with more than 100 reviews each.
Is Planet Fitness your thing, or would you rather someplace else? Let us know!