Brandi’s Future Husband Lets His Football Freak Loose
This weeks edition of Brandi’s Future Husband takes us to Bufflao, to a Bills game. The guy this week who was able to get Brandi’s attention was able to do so because he got the attention of the entire stadium, by streaking across the field.
Yes, streaking. The fans in attendance were quick to give this guy praise for his running or rushing skills, saying that they were more impressed by his running than by the Buffalo Bills on that day.
After his arrest, apparently the fans were quick to applaud both his physique and even rallying to give money for his defense. The good news for Brandi, is that the potential future husband in question was not jailed although he did plead guilty to exposure. The not so good news for Brandi, is that he is not allowed to go back into the stadium for one year, which means no pro-football games for their first dates.