A Horse Trots Up To A Dunkin’ Drive Through – Sounds Like A Bad Pick Up Line
We say it all the time, you never know what you might see here in the Hudson Valley. Celebrity sightings left and right, rodents and wildlife in our homes and backyards, and what, THIS at the local Dunkin Donuts?
Drive-Through, ER... Ride-Through?
Just your average Monday morning. Hopped in the car to head to Hyde Park for the Memorial Day Parade with my daughter, naturally she asked if we could stop to grab something on the way up, and I'll never pass up the opportunity for a Dunkin' iced tea. Now I'm usually a drive-through kind of girl, but for some reason this time we decided to park and actually walk inside. My daughter started running her mouth, which isn't unusual, but then she started yelling and when I turned around to see what was going on, I spotted this.
Yes, a horse, like a real, pretty decent sized horse going through the DRIVE THROUGH at Dunkin' Donuts, in Wappingers Falls, on Monday morning.
The Dunkin' Staff Was Just As Surprised As We Were
It was really quiet in the store at the time, my daughter and I were the only customers inside at the time, watching, with the staff, the tv monitors in the store that they use to watch the drive-through, and there it was: Mr. Ed, Seabiscuit, the horse that recently won the Kentucky Derby, who knows? But, there it was in all it's glory, waiting at the window for an order from MY local Dunkin'.
Other drive-through customers looked pretty shocked coming around the building, no surprise there. The staff inside were just as confused as we were to see the horse trot around the side of the building, and then to the window. They were chatting with the driver, rider, the jockey I guess? They got the horses name and everything while I peeled my daughter from the window as she freaked out.
Just Another Day in the NEIGH-borhood
I guess this just reinforces something my parents always told us growing up, keep your eyes open because you never know who, or in this case, what you may see...It's too bad we couldn't get them to join us for the parade.