Former Cuomo Staff Member Claims Job Was Toxic
First it was Ellen and now it's our very own governor? Say it isn't so.
Is every workplace truly a nightmare or do they all just have toxic moments?
This is the kind of shenanigans I'd expect behind the scenes of the Ellen Degeneres Show but not at the highest office in New York.
Much like celebrities we sometimes hold politicians on such a high pedestal that we can forget that they're just human beings doing a job. Expect them to be perfect. Governor Andrew Cuomo has been seen as both a celebrity and a politician lately in the media so the standards could be much higher than under normal circumstances. If you don't believe me about the whole celebrity thing just look at his achievements over the last few months. His latest book is a New York Times Best Seller and he's even set to receive an Emmy. He's well on his way to snagging that EGOT.
Though there have been a lot of light hearted moments that we've seen from Governor Cuomo in his press conferences, a former employee of his administration has recently come forward claiming that he might no be the easiest person to work for.
She didn't hold much back.
According to the New York Post, Lindsay Boylan was a former aide to Governor Cuomo and worked for his administration for 3 years. She apparently went on a long Twitter rant this past weekend exposing some of not so good moments during her time there. These of course are just allegations at this point.