It's always awesome to see the spirit of the Hudson Valley spread across state lines, and a small town in Vermont is the latest to jump on board.

One of the ways a community as large as the Hudson Valley can feel small is when everyone is in on the same joke. One of the most famous is the the constant vandalism of a very popular road sign in New Paltz, NY. Now it looks like Brattleboro Vermont has taken some inspiration to do the same.

Did New Paltz, NY just become best friends with Brattleboro, VT? (Google)
Did New Paltz, NY just become best friends with Brattleboro, VT? (Google)

Road Sign Vandalism in New Paltz, NY

The road in question in New Paltz, NY is none other than North and South Putt Corners Road. For decades, it seemed that no one could resist turning the "P" into a "B", creating Butt Corners road signs that are even visible on Google maps (below).


"Butt" Corners Rd in New Paltz, NY

The best part about "Butt" Corners Road is that there isn't a single pearl-clutcher who has an issue with it. In fact it wouldn't come as a surprise if one day the road was officially renamed to save local vandalizers some trouble. There was even a Christmas ornament available for sale earlier this year from local artist Joanie Devine (below). But what about this town in Vermont?

Joanie Crawford
Joanie Devine

New Sister City for New Paltz, NY?

"We may have to establish a sister-city relationship with Brattleboro, VT", said a recent post in the New Paltz Community Facebook page. The attached photo showed how a similarly-minded resident decided to alter the 390-ft Bullock Street, taking a page straight out of our Hudson Valley playbook and using a strip of white tape to turn it into "Buttock" Street (below).

Bullock St is now "Buttock" St (Google)
A rendering of "Buttock" St in Brattleboro, NY (Google)

Brattleboro, VT Following New Paltz's Lead

"They get us", agreed one commenter. "Someone should post a pic of Butt Corners on the page for Brattleboro, VT" suggested another. While nearly every New Paltz resident appreciated the butt-comradery, others pointed to some room for improvement, arguing that "[They're not a sister city] until they start using paint to deface their signs".

Does New Paltz have a new sister city? (Google)
Does New Paltz have a new sister city? (Google)

There are some other similarities between the towns, too. Both Brattleboro (population 12,000) and New Paltz (town population of 7,500) are small, picturesque towns nestled in nature. They also both have farmland, mountains, and now, but-themed street signs. Check out some more street sign inspiration below.

11 of The Funniest Road Names in The Hudson Valley

The 5 Most Dangerous Roads In New York State

The most dangerous roads in New York.