If you were planning to see author and radio host Garrison Keillor at the Tarrytown Music Hall this Friday night, it's time to get some new plans. It's just one of the many stops on his "Gratitude Tour" that will no longer be taking place, thanks to the recent controversy surround his inappropriate conduct with a fellow staff member.

Keillor was fired from Minnesota Public Radio this week, and he's just the latest in a series of powerful men brought down by sexual assault allegations. His tour was meant to make the rounds all over the area this week, including Ithaca, Buffalo, and Connecticut. News came at noon Thursday, just one day before the Tarrytown show and the day of the Connecticut show, that he would not be performing.

Anybody looking for a refund on their tickets has to email Tarrytown Music Hall directly, and must do so before the time the show was scheduled for (8 PM on Friday, December 1st). This is all probably for the best - I doubt many fans would want to go to the show after the week Keillor's had, and I really doubt Keillor's in the mindset to perform for an audience.