A Hudson Valley Casting call is on the lookout for local talent for an upcoming feature film set to be shot in the Kingston area. Producers are seeking strong actors to bring the story to life and are accepting submissions from people that live within an hour of Kingston.

To be considered for any of the following roles you must send an email to CDassistant@HudsonValleyCasting.com with KINGSTON FEATURE, Your Name, and Role you'd like to be considered for in the subject line. Producers will be strictly following COVID-19 safety protocols as outlined by New York State.

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  • Boy, aged 8-11 to play a nine-year-old. Brown hair, pale complexion, and brown eyes preferred to match up with other talents.
  • An old woman in her 80s.
  • An old man in his 80s.
  • Sister, aged 40s/50s.
  • A co-worker also in his 40s/50s.
  • Young boss in his mid 20s-30 to play a fast-talking public access TV producer.
  • A popular 18-year-old girl who is 'unpleasantly competitive'
  • Popular girls mom in her 40s
  • French student, a hard-working 20-year-old.
  • A math teacher in his/her 30s/40s
  • Kind boss in his 40s
  • FAA Agent in his/her 40s/50s

They'll also be looking for a number of extras 18 years or older to play high school and college students along with various other background characters. More information will be released to those selected.

MOVIES & TV SHOWS: Filmed at Stewart International Airport