During the winter months, I enjoy looking ahead for brighter days. I've been counting down until the first day of spring, patiently waiting for warmer temps to arrive along with the blossoming of flowers.

Until then, I always keep my eye on the weather for the week. Enough though we've had a cold and snowy winter, I'm optimistic that we'll see an early spring.

I was looking at MSN weather and came across a fascinating feature on their website. This feature made me even more excited about the months to come. They shared information about the daily forecast for 2025.

How You Can See The Daily Forecast For The Year In The Hudson Valley

MSN, Canva
MSN, Canva

I look at Accuweather, The Weather Channel and MSN weather to stay informed. MSN weather has predictions that can give an idea of the daily forecast for the rest of the year in the Hudson Valley.

We all know that the weather can change within New York state but with MSN's weather predictions, we can get an idea of the weather for each season this year.

Be sure to enter in the location you choose to see weather from on their website. After doing so, scroll down and on the right hand side there will be an option to see the monthly forecast.

There will be an option to see each month from February until December 2025. Newly added, we can now see the weather for January 2026 as well.

Each month will also have a weather overview that highlights the amount of sunny/cloudy days of the month, rain/snow days, the average high and low.

SEE MORE: What Is The Old Farmer's Almanac Prediction For Spring 2025?

The Daily Forecast For The Winter To Spring Season In The Hudson Valley

MSN, Canva
MSN, Canva

MSN's weather prediction/overview for February in the Hudson Valley includes an average high of 35. There will be approximately 10 rain/snow days and 18 sunny/cloudy days.

Things start to warm up in March which is the beginning of Spring. The weather prediction/overview includes an average high of 46. There will be about 22 sunny/cloudy days with only 9 rain/snow days.

As for April, we may see 18 sunny/cloudy days with 12 rain/snow days. Thankfully, there's an average high of 59 for this month. 

Stepping in May, we can look forward to an average high of 70! There's a chance of 14 rain/snow days and 17 sunny/cloudy days.

The Daily Forecast For The Summer Season In The Hudson Valley

MSN, Canva
MSN, Canva

According to MSN weather, the summer weather prediction for the Hudson Valley area looks beautiful! Summer is my favorite season.

We can look forward to 17 sunny/cloudy days and only 13 rain/snow days along with an average high of 78 for the month of June.

July may have an average high of 83 with alot sun. With only 11 rain/snow days, we'll enjoy the 20 sunny/cloudy days during this month.

August looks like another hot month for the Hudson Valley. We may see an average high of 81 with only 9 rain/snow days and 22 sunny/cloudy days.

The Daily Forecast For The Fall Into Winter Season In The Hudson Valley

MSN, Canva
MSN, Canva

The MSN weather prediction overview continues with the fall season.

Usually September stays warm within the Hudson Valley. We could see an average high of 74 during this month with only 8 rain/snow days and 22 sunny/cloudy days, I love this!

October will bring us 60 temps within the Hudson Valley. This may have an average of 62 with 12 rain/snow days and 19 sunny/cloudy days. Halloween and 60 degrees is perfect for me.

November's average high could be 50 in the Hudson Valley. With 20 sunny/cloudys days and only 10 rain/snow days, the weather still appears warm during this month.

For December 2025, we could see 10 rain/snow days and 21 sunny/cloudy days. The average high for this month could be 39 during the holiday season.

More information can be found on the MSN weather website.

What do you think of this hidden feature on MSN? What month are you looking forward to this year? Tell us more below.

5 Ways To Know It's Spring In The Hudson Valley

I always know that spring has started when I first hear the sound of spring peepers. This may also consist of flowers start to blossom, the greenery throughout mother nature and return of several wildlife critters.

Others may also agree and share their opinions too.

As we are different people, we notice things differently as well. While someone takes an interest in a woodpecker in the tree on a soothing morning, someone else may notice a lawnmower humming noise during their breakfast.

On WRRV, a Facebook post asked local residents to share their opinion.

The question stated:

"Tell me it’s spring in the Hudson Valley without telling me it’s spring in the Hudson Valley, GO!"

Hudson Valley residents were not shy when it came to answering this question. Let's take a look at ways we can notice that it's spring in the Hudson Valley from all age groups and different locations.

Gallery Credit: Allison Kay, WRRV's Facebook Page,

5 Things Only Hudson Valley Residents Can Relate To About Summer

Gallery Credit: Allison Kay