Tinder, Bumble and other dating apps have become too much work for millennials. A generation that needs labels on everything had to reinvent the wheel and of course put a label on it.

There are a lot of young people who use dating apps and have good luck. After all, there is strength in numbers. However, there are some millennials who find the process far too tedious. According to the Wall Street Journal, younger people in the dating world think communicating through multiple strangers and then ghosting them isn't natural and feels more like a job. Imagine that?

Among several success stories of "slow dating" include a woman named Susan who met a man while at a swing dancing event, they exchanged numbers and now they are exclusively dating.

Should we even be mad that millennials are trying to rebrand dating and slapping a new label on it? Can we just be happy that young men and women aren't meeting strangers on the internet?

Cheers to dating the old-fashioned way.

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