This Friday, FDR High School is having their Senior Prom. What a wonderful time: all the students get dressed up in their finest outfits, takes wonderful photos, and make memories that they will hold onto for the rest of their lives. Before they can do any of that; though, they have to watch a simulation of the ramifications of driving while intoxicated.

FDR High School's Mock DWI

In one of the Hyde Park-based Facebook groups, a member reminded the community of the annual event.

"Just a heads up that Friday there will be a mock DWI event at the high school. Emergency vehicles and a helicopter will be involved- don't freak out."

With recent events in our country like in Buffalo, New York and Uvalde, Texas, I think it is wise to alert the community of an event that includes first responders, plenty of sirens, helicopters and more outside of a high school. It is just a drill.

Just as much as prom is a yearly tradition, so is the Mock DWI. I remember each year going out to the lawn in front of the main parking lot as we would watch local first responders act out the events of a car crash due to drunk driving or being under the influence of some narcotic. We always looked at being chosen to be the actors in the Mock DWI to be such an awesome position, but of course, no one wanted to be in the real situation.

Being in sound crew, I would be in charge of setting up the PA system outside. Typically, our principal and vice principals would speak, along with fire fighters and medical personnel. The Mock DWI would typically stage a car crashing into a tree, and having to break open the doors in order to get people out. They would show how they would strap victims to the stretcher, and how the police would assess the scene. The actors would be wearing fake blood, prosthetics to highlight injuries, and ripped and battered clothes. Stories would be shared of students abusing substances and then getting into accidents. They also warned of how even if you do not take any substances, you must be an active driver because other people on the road may not have been as smart with their decisions. The whole event is to warn students of the dangers and consequences of making foolish mistakes, whether that be prom night or any other night.

To the high schoolers having prom this year, have fun, but think about your friends, loved ones and community before you make a decision that will forever change your life and the lives of those around you.

To see pictures from previous years, and to read up on more from the Hyde Park Central School District Website, visit here. If you still need a spot to take prom photos tomorrow, consider one of these options below!

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