Netflix Raising Their Price Just When We Start to Rely on Streaming The Most
Netflix is raising their monthly price for their Standard plan once again. They must be awfully confident that we're getting those $2,000 stimulus checks.
The third season of Cobra Kai must have really kicked butt. Yes, that pun was absolutely intended. Is Netflix worth more money? Apparently Netflix doesn't think we're all in this together.
Netflix recently announced that they will be raising their prices next month. Way to kick us while we're down, Netflix.
Since April of 2020, has anyone looked at their monthly bills and thought that they could pay a little more? I didn't think so. Currently, the Standard package for Netflix costs $12.99 per month. Subscribers who logged on today received a notification the the monthly Standard fee will be raised to $13.99 per month.
People have been binge watching television more and more these days. Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and even HBO Max have played key roles in most of are quarantine survival.
Even if Netflix isn't number 1 on your streaming list it's definitely top tier.
From Tiger King to Cobra Kai and The Haunting of Bly Manor you've got to admit that Netflix got us through some pretty tough times during the quarantine but I can't help but feel like we're being bullied with the new price. Is this what we should prepare for? Will they continue to raise the price every year.
Will Netflix be the new cable company. Will we have to call them once a month to try to get the price reduced? Will they add commercials?
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