It took New York this long to realize that three really is company. New York ranks number one in having three ways. 

Are you pretty adventurous in the bedroom? Maybe you are but if not you probably want to be. If three is a actually a company then meet us at the hotel and come and knock on our door just don't forget the secret knock.

According to a new study done in the Metro, a new phone app called "3 Somer" has compiled information and it turns out that the "threesome lifestyle" is gaining serious popularity in these parts.

It's not surprising that the peak interest for a three way is near college campuses.

New York continues to be a trend setter and other states look to the empire state for lifestyle trends so it's no surprise that we'd blaze the trail for making a three piece ensemble the "norm".

Here are the top three states where three isn't a crowd.

1.  New York.

2.  California.

3.  Florida.

Bonus Video: WRRV Morning Grind