Do you vape? Then you are probably an aficionado of all the types of vaping liquid and where to buy them.

While there have been some reports about vaping and how it is not particularly healthy for users, that will not be debated in this article. If you vape, you vape. But wait one minute, New York State has something that they want you to know about their stance on vaping.

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What does New York State want to remind you about vaping and vape products?

Electronic Cigarette Retailers Face Legislative Setback
Getty Images/sean gallup

In May of 2020, New York State banned the use of flavored vape products. At that same time, New York said that pharmacies across the state were no longer going to be allowed to sell tobacco products or vaping products.

SEE ALSO: Can a Bouncer Legally Take Your New York State ID? 

What can happen to a retailer or business that sells flavored vape products in NYS?

FDA Bans All Flavored E-Cigarette Cartridges, Except Menthol And Tobacco Flavors
Getty Images/Eduardo Munoz Alvarez

Any person who is caught selling flavored vape products to a person in New York State (according to the Orange County NY Department of Health) will be fined $100 per offense and per package of the product.

What else would New York State like to see when it comes to stores selling vaping or tobacco products?

New York State is encouraging all retailers to also ask for legal identification for persons making a tobacco-related purchase if they appear to be 25 years of age or younger.

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16 of the Best Meat Markets, Butcher Shops, and Smokehouses in Upstate New York

Upstate New York is packed with great neighborhood meat markets, corner butcher shops, and rural smokehouses. And we all know that the products we get from these beloved places just can't be beat. Anywhere!

Here is a short listing of some of the hundreds of smokehouses, butcher shops, and meat markets in Upstate New York.