Over 100 Pokemon Trainers Participate in Community Day
This past Sunday, Hyde Park resident Chelsea Carol organized a community day for all Pokemon Go Trainers at Dutchess Community College. I had the pleasure of joining them and what I saw was nothing short of fantastic.
A month earlier there were 40 trainers who showed up in the cold rain and caught unique Pokémon. As the word spread, a month later more than 100 trainers came out and all caught Pokémon together. They all enjoyed the triple xp bonus that is only available at these community days.
This community is much larger than I realized and the Pokémon go app was released almost two years ago. There are a lot of Pokémon Go trainers in The Hudson Valley and this is shaping up to be one of the hottest new events in Poughkeepsie.
Organizer Chelsea was overwhelmed by the growth in attendance and will continue to organize the community days once a month at Dutchess Community College. It's free to participate and each month will feature rare Pokémon only available during these community days.