Poughkeepsie’s Walk to End Slavery Goes Digital This Year
The third annual Walk for Freedom has been cancelled due to the pandemic but there are still ways to educate yourself and help fight human trafficking right here in the Hudson Valley.
Slavery may have ended in the United States legally in the 1800s but it remains to be very much alive in this country and beyond. According to the Federal Register, it is estimated that there could be over 24.9 million people who are forced in to slavery. Some estimate that the number could be even higher. Slavery also one of the fastest illegal industries in the world. According to information shared from A21, Modern day slavery comes in many forms such as forced labor, child soldiers, sex trafficking and domestic service.
Last year thousands of people gathered all over the globe in over 500 places to show their support for the Walk For Freedom. The city of Poughkeepsie got involved two years ago and in that short time hundreds of Hudson Valley residents have showed up to support the global movement to help end slavery worldwide.
Much like many events in 2020, the Walk for Freedom will look very different this year according to the founding group, A21.The organization behind the walk announced that instead of a march there will be a one hour broadcast will take the place instead. The broadcast will be used as training material to help educate and inspire people on the issue.
COVID-19 may have changed the march this year but thankfully it will not change the important message. The virtual event will be held on October 17 and all of the details can be found here.