This Grocery Item Is Causing Major Mayhem in Hudson Valley Stores
It all started with a chicken.
Well, technically not THAT (above) chicken, more like this one:
A post in the infamous 'Bad Moms Hudson Valley' Facebook group has sparked a lengthy discussion, i'm talking upwards of 150 comments from local moms, all because of how insane people in the area go for rotisserie chicken.
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Bad Moms Witnessing Bad Things Over Hot Commodity Rotisserie Chickens
On Tuesday, January 2nd, Patty from LaGrangeville posted the following question to the 'Bad Moms' regarding a recent 'situation' she encountered at a local grocery store. Let's break this down:
Has anyone ever waited for a rotisserie chicken at Sam’s and while you were waiting a crowd forms behind you? So me and 3 other people were waiting and the guy said it would be about 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes about 15 people crowded behind us.
Now, i've definitely heard stories about a certain age demographic (think the older retired bunch) finding out when the fresh chickens get put out at their favorite shopping spot, and planning their shopping trip around said times, but the description from Patty above has me picturing something very different.
She continues...
The guy puts like 10 chickens out and people started jumping in front of us taking like 2 or 3 chickens at a time. The lady behind me nudged me out of the way and took the last one. I’m legitimately asking if this is a thing because I’ve never seen anything like that before. Am I going to need bail money the next time I try to buy a rotisserie chicken? It’s was like Black Friday wtf?
It appears Patty isn't alone in her concerns, nor her experience with attempting to get her hands on a Hudson Valley rotisserie chicken.

Bad Moms Weigh In, Share Rotisserie Chicken Tales Across the Hudson Valley
Merely three days after the initial post, the conversation continues on the community-based Facebook group, where other moms (100+) have been chiming in to share their own stories and encounters at the chicken counter.
Insiders (with personal or family/friend ties to the local chicken distribution process) share that the rotisserie chicken mayhem is nothing new, some referring to it as 'feeding time at the zoo' while others indicated that the same thing happens at other stores like BJs and Costco. One comment related it to how crazy people acted back in the day trying to get a Tickle Me Elmo!
One of the most surprising examples came from a woman who said she was followed into an aisle and called a nasty name after acquiring a chicken that apparently 'belonged to someone else.'
I guess the moral of the story here is, we're not alone in feeling like things are getting out of control when it comes to public behavior, entitlement, and overall wacky-ness by some of our fellow Hudson Valley residents - have you been following the quest for the coveted limited edition Stanley Cups around here? That's a story for another day.
For now, though, is there some sort of rotisserie chicken network that we aren't aware of or need to join to get in the know about what time they're coming out of the ovens at each store? It just seems like everyone needs to take a deep breath and calm down...it's just chicken.
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