My birthday was a few weeks ago, and a wonderful (and super attentive) friend had heard me talking about my interest in going to one of those salt float spas - she and a few others surprised me with a gift certificate that read "Take the day off, have a float, drink some wine.  Repeat as often as necessary."

You don't have to tell me twice.

After a crazy few days last week I decided to cash in and take a little me time, scheduling a late afternoon appointment for a salt float.  Now, I had read a few articles about the experience, and chatted with some friends who had done it, but still didn't know what to expect.

You get there and they run down the process with you, go over how everything works and leave you to it.  In the water, that is set to your body temp, is 800+ pounds of epsom salt that will allow you to "not know where your body ends and the water begins"

I hopped in, shut the door, turned the tranquil music on, hit the button for the lights and had a momentary freak out.  I'm not claustrophobic, but for a minute I was like what am I going to do in this salt water filled chamber in the dark for an hour.  After a few minutes though, it was true, the salt/water combo took over and I was just floating away living my best life.  The silence and darkness allowed me to clear my head for an hour, and to be honest, I just kind of lost track of life for a while.

I felt awesome when I got out, super refreshed and pretty energized. I would most definitely do it again now that I know what the experience is all about.

Have you ever done a salt float/would you consider it?