5 of the Most Annoying Speed Traps in the Hudson Valley
We know, we shouldn't speed. It's dangerous and could hurt a lot of people. But there's something distinctly frustrating about a speed trap.
The literal definition of a speed trap references the fact that police are hiding themselves when using radar detection to spot speeders. It's the hidden part that makes getting "caught" sting just that much more. Falling into a trap is humiliating; just ask the mice in my basement. The responses poured in on our Facebook page when we asked the question: "Where's the trickiest speed trap in the Hudson Valley?"
Speed Traps in the Hudson Valley, NY
This isn't meant to encourage lawlessness, so I think the way to present the list below is to say "here are the places police officers like to hide if you want to wave at them as you drive by while doing absolutely nothing illegal." The traps in no particular order:
Speed Trap in Cold Spring, NY
"Cold Spring", said one Facebook user, "They hide behind the bushes just before the baseball field on the right heading south. They also hide just over the hump at Downey Oil facing north. Also just leaving cold spring after the bridge." Sounds like there are plenty of opportunities for officers to catch speeders in the area.
Speed Trap at Breakneck Ridge
Also in Cold Spring, Breakneck Ridge was reported as a speed trap area. "The Breakneck Tunnel on 9D, either direction", said a commenter who may have learned that fact a little too late.
Speed Trap in Tuxedo Park, NY
There's speed traps on the other side of the river, too, like Tuxedo Park in Orange County, NY. "Right by the train station in Tuxedo where it goes from 55 to 35, and they have cops sitting there", reported one Facebook user. Speed limit change areas seem to a great place to catch someone going over the limit.
Speed Trap in Carmel, NY
Speed traps aren't just for back roads. Highways have plenty of hiding places, too. "I84 between Stormville and Carmel", was another report we received for people traveling in Putnam County, NY.
Speed Trap in Parksville, NY
Sullivan County, NY isn't immune to speed traps either. I used to take Route 17 on my way to college in Ithaca, NY and would see plenty of people getting pulled over for what I assumed was speeding. "On 17 west near Parksville NY", said another tip.
I could say that this list is for "education purposes", and not to help you avoid a speeding ticket, but let's be honest: the best way not to get one is to not speed in the first place. There's also some very helpful things police have done to drivers, like assisting the people who needed water rescues from their vehicles. Check it out below.
Photos: Many Rescued From Submerged Vehicles in Hudson Valley
11 People Including Rangers, Climbers and a Helicopter Needed to Rescue Hiker