You see that puppy up there? Take a look at him. I know you just gave a little audible "Aww." Don't act like you didn't. Seriously, we all know that you did. How could you not? You're human.

Now imagine that little fella' being put in harm's way by a moron.

No, this isn't one of those wildly depressing abused animal commercials that come on and ruin your entire night when you're just trying to watch reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air at 2am, and no, Sarah McLachlan will not be showing up to play  you a sad, sad song.

This is a story about a guy that--in one fell swoop--went from run of the mill, average Joe, every day crack addict to being an actual supervillain. Check it out below and share in the shock, awe, outrage, and whatever else this absolutely insane person and the story conjures within you.