Your doomsday stash of vacuum sealed food and bottled water won't be complete until you stock up on a bucket of Oreo cream that weighs the size of a small child.
Prepping for the apocalypse is hobby for some. Sure it's not the same as collecting coins are stamps but the good news is that it can really come in handy during one's time of need.
It's not exactly in a doomsday preppers nature to worry about others. I mean after all, you've been preparing for the end for months or maybe even years just waiting for crap to hit the fan so you can circle the wagons and fend off your neighbors.
In a world where we are focused on pumpkin spice and watching celebrities dance do we really pay attention to what really matters? Is the end near or do you just write it off as crazy babble from some nut job?
I'm not sure if you've been distracted by pumpkin spice coffee or maybe statues of a war that ended over 160 years ago but there are some scary things happening right now.