Why are couples wearing what looks to be a black smudge on their forehead on Valentine's Day? Is it to show some sign of unity? Is it a new skin trend? Well, February 14th, 2024 actually doubles for two holidays!
Fresh out of a relationship? Bitter from your breakup? Here's some pretty perfect (and also gross or stinky) ways to throw shade at your ex this Valentine's Day.
Need to know where to get the best chicken wings for the Super Bowl in your county? Don't worry because we go county by county with some of our picks for wings this year!
'Quest for the cup' is not referring to Lord Stanley anymore, but rather the $50 (or $300 on eBay) Stanley Tumbler that has made half the world go mad.
I’m going to sound really old for a minute here - what has happened to simple Valentine’s Day celebrations? I remember the pressure of picking out the perfect box of cards and hand selecting who in the class would get which specific one, because that was important back in the day, am I right...
Everyone may have experienced an awkward Valentines Day fail at least once in their life time.
Brandi is usually the first to get me a gift on just about any occasion. She got me a present for Christmas, on my birthday and she even brought me back some souvenirs when she came home from her trip to Las Vegas.