
Woman Claims to Have Gotten It On With Over 20 Ghosts
Woman Claims to Have Gotten It On With Over 20 Ghosts
Woman Claims to Have Gotten It On With Over 20 Ghosts
I guess the ghosts are doing more in the sheets than just scaring people. Is there anything better than a paranormal sexual encounter? One woman doesn't think so. Many of us have tried but have never seen a ghost while many of us are trying to round all of the bases but strike out. How the heck is this lady lucky enough to do both?
This New York Restaurant Asks Absurd Amount For Thanksgiving Meal
This New York Restaurant Asks Absurd Amount For Thanksgiving Meal
This New York Restaurant Asks Absurd Amount For Thanksgiving Meal
If a Hungryman meal or Stove Top stuffing isn't for you then this may be the place for you to enjoy your holiday meal. Just a heads up, you may need to take out a huge loan to pay for it. You've got to wonder what New Yorker will actually for this. According to Fortune, a New York City restaurant is taking pride in selling the most expensive meal this Thursday.
Wait, Hudson Valley Payphones Make How Much?
Wait, Hudson Valley Payphones Make How Much?
Wait, Hudson Valley Payphones Make How Much?
Have you ever stared at a payphone and wondered who the heck still uses those things? Apparently, a lot of people still do. It's hard to believe but payphones are still profitable in 2017. Every once in while you'll come across a payphone and wonder why and how it's still there. You'd be surprised but there's actually still some good reason.
Weird Things We’ve All Done But Won’t Admit
Weird Things We’ve All Done But Won’t Admit
Weird Things We’ve All Done But Won’t Admit
Let's face it. We're all a bunch of weirdos. There's no shame in it so stop trying to hide it. Here is a list of some of the weirdest things people admit to doing. Are you a weird person? According to an Online Doctor from Daily Mail, you've most likely participated in some gross habits because a high percentage of us admit to doing these bizarre things as adults at least once.
Are People Marrying Themselves in The Hudson Valley?
Are People Marrying Themselves in The Hudson Valley?
Are People Marrying Themselves in The Hudson Valley?
It's a strange new trend that's gotten a lot of attention lately. How common is it and is it happening nearby? There are plenty of different kinds of relationships and marriages out there. We all know about bigamy and polygamy but are you familiar with a new marriage trend called sologamy?

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