I've never been so willing to be hypnotized.

I mean, I just want this to loop and loop and loop and never stop running. If I was ever in a situation wherein someone was trying to get missile codes or government secrets out of me, the best and quickest way to do so would be through hypnotizing me with this particular GIF. Or really, any looping GIF of Katy Perry doing anything slightly seductive. Or anything, really. Eating Fruity Pebbles, trying to kill a mosquito in her mansion, reading Siddhartha in a hammock. Whatever.


Although, to be completely fair: if anyone ever gave me top secret information that was valuable enough for someone else to want, am I really at fault? You're going to give confidential info to the guy who posts photos of Katy Perry gyrating her hips on the internet on a weekly basis? Who's the idiot there?