This List is Vital For a Stress Free Vacation
Are you like man and extremely unorganized? Maybe you're an expert procrastinator. Here are some helpful hints on how to get ready for a stress free vacation.
I just got back from a week long vacation and it was anything but stress free. The vacation had a terrible beginning. My poor packing and poor planning could have caused it to be doomed from the start.
According to Business Insider, there are several tasks you should complete before you leave for that big trip.
1. Make a check list about two weeks in advance and check it twice.
2. Leave your place clean. It's important to know that you're not coming home to a messy pad. The last thing you want to do after a long flight is to make your bed or clean your bath tub.
3. Be sure to let your coworkers and employers know that you're leaving. Write up those "out of office" automatic replies so you aren't bothered at work,
4. Be sure to charge all of your devices and don't forget your phones and charges.