Stop acting like you're going to quit using Facebook and other social media platforms. We know you'll be back. Nothing gets under my skin more than these noble social media warriors who claim that defriending Tom is the key to happiness.
Your doomsday stash of vacuum sealed food and bottled water won't be complete until you stock up on a bucket of Oreo cream that weighs the size of a small child.
We've all heard of a midlife crisis but what the heck is a quarter-life crisis? It's a millennial thing so it must involve skinny jeans and a latte.
A mid-life crisis is pretty common among older dudes. They'll dye the hair, get their ears pierced or maybe buy a sports car. They try to escape the fact that they;re getting older. A mid-life crisis has more to do with age but what exactly is a quarter-life crisis? can it be ruled out as snowflake behavior or is there something to it?
Does work have you stressed out? Some companies may start getting you Voo Doo Doll of your boss to help relieve some work related issues that you have.
No, this isn't an episode of Tales From The Crypt. It's a bit twisted and might be something for the macabre but you can't argue with the science. Do workers perform more efficiently if they have a Voo Doo of their boss?
Parents are always sad to see their kids leave the nest. However, that doesn't mean that they want you to stay there forever. Some time the birdies have to fly. You've got to admit that there's a certain negative stigma about men and woman over a certain age that still live with their parents. If a grown adult can get past having to sneak a significant other past mom and dad there are some serious perks.
Do you work in an office with people who have these weird habits? Do they bother you as much as everyone else?
I don't work in a traditional office but we have our share of weirdo's walking around this place. Thankfully, I'm not here to witness some of the odd habits that my coworkers have.
We all work hard and sometimes we feel like don't get the respect we deserve in the work place. right now some local teachers are going through a tough time.
Are you a Hudson Valley teacher? If so, I just want to say thank you and if you know a Hudson Valley teacher I want you to do the same.