Today is February 24 is National Tortilla Chip Day.  The delicious snack was allegedly  invented in the 1950s when Rebecca Carranza and her husband became the first to mass-produce tortillas at their restaurant in Los Angeles.  Instead of throwing away that tortillas that were misshapen, Rebecca had the vision to cut them into triangles and deep fry them and then to sell them by the bag (take that Frito-Lay!). Fast forward to hundreds of thousands of chips being comsumed, so much so that the state of Texas actually declared the tortilla chip their official state snack in 2003. In case you were wondering, the official state snack of New York is yogurt.

Here are a few places to celebrate the "holiday"

La Puerta Azul in Route 44 Millbrook
Mexicali Blue in  New Paltz and Route 9 in Wappingers
Taco Shack in New Paltz
Mole Mole in Poughkeepsie
Chiles In Poughkeepsie
La Cabanita Main St Poughkeepsie
La Fonda, Parker Ave, Poughkeepsie
El Tapatio Rt 211 in Middletown
El Bandido Main St Middletown
El Zapata Rt 211 in Middletown
Los Portales Broadway in Newburgh
Yummy Taco 17K in Newburgh


Where will you be celebrating?