Two meteor showers will bring the month of July to an end, and their peak is expected Tuesday night. So, will the weather finally hold out across the Hudson Valley? We haven't always had much luck in the past.

AccuWeather reports that the Alpha Capricornids and the Southern Delta Aquariids can bee worldwide across the southern night sky through the end of the week. The best time to see them will be Tuesday after dusk through Wednesday morning before dawn.

The Alphas were created anywhere from 3,500 to 5,000 years ago, when about half of the parent comet 169P/NEAT disintegrated. The origin of the Aquaridds is not exactly known, though they were first viewed in 1870. This won't be the biggest display of the year, as both showers combined are expected to combine for about 15 to 20 meteors per hour.

This will gear astronomy buffs up for the year's biggest meteor shower in ealry August, the Persieds. Astronomers says that shower should have around 70 meteors an hour. That's actually down from the usual 100 due to moonlight.

Tuesday's forecast for the Hudson Valley? Forecasters are saying partly cloudy skies should prevail through the morning hours.

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