Is one of your New Year's resolutions to find a new job?  If so, here's some good news for you...announcements have been made for the exam and recruitment schedule for Dutchess County Civil Service positions for 2019!

The Dutchess County Government Facebook Page has links to the exam schedules and available positions, and encourages you to get your resume and application materials together ASAP, as some of the deadlines are quickly approaching (as early as this week!).

You can also visit the Dutchess County Civil Service Exams and Job Opportunities webpage for direct links to the current recruitment efforts and examinations through the Department of Human Resources.  There's a lengthy list of all sorts of positions that may be a perfect fit for your career goals!

According to the website, you can even sign up for alerts so that you'll get notifications when new job or exam information is posted - how great is that?

Here's to getting a jump start on those 2019 career goals - happy job hunting!