Since I started hosting middays on WRRV there has been perpetual road construction along my short commute. While construction has the innate ability to increase road rage, I just left for work 10 minutes earlier and had no problems patiently waiting for their flag woman Lisa to smile and wave me by.

Flag Woman

I'll be perfectly honest when I say that when the construction is complete, I'm going to miss our morning routine of non-verbal good mornings. It's a habit for me to at least make eye contact with a flag person for their safety as well as my own. They appreciate drivers who exercise caution while traversing a construction zone.

I spoke with Ed Dingman, the Project foreman and he told me that the project should be complete by mid November. However, the actual circle could see drivers using it as early as October.

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Traffic circles, when used correctly by motorists can significantly cut down on traffic and stop sign wait times. Just remember, yield to the left. Once the project is compete, the intersection of Smith Street and Creek Road will be much more aesthetically pleasing with smoother driving conditions.