Sometimes A Label Is Necessary, Others Not So Much. Sometimes A Label Is Necessary, Others Not So Much. Things I find that just make me go WHY?PJPJ
Giant Insect Caught On Video!Giant Insect Caught On Video!I couldn't believe my eyes and needed evidence of this prehistoric looking creature. PJPJ
Metro North Rail Road Makes Life Easier for A Casual Baseball Fan.Metro North Rail Road Makes Life Easier for A Casual Baseball Fan.Since the new stadium was built I have now doubled my game attendance.PJPJ
How To Carry On Through Crippling Panic Attacks.How To Carry On Through Crippling Panic Attacks.Getting through anxiety attacks requires one thing you wish you didn't have.PJPJ
Trying A New Beer Could Help You Get Your Groove Back.Trying A New Beer Could Help You Get Your Groove Back.High alcohol content combined with a smooth light taste make for a great beer.PJPJ
When Will The Poughkeepsie Traffic Circle Be complete?When Will The Poughkeepsie Traffic Circle Be complete?Project foreman gives expected completion date.PJPJ
Why is Hudson Valley Craigslist so creepy?Why is Hudson Valley Craigslist so creepy?I'm all about a free market sales but sometimes photos can detract from the message.PJPJ
Testing my medieval skills at The Ren FaireTesting my medieval skills at The Ren FaireCarnival Games at The Ren Faire put the weapons in your hands!PJPJ