Well, it's officially one week out from my wisdom teeth surgery and I'm happy to report that I survived.

I appreciate the advice, tips and tricks, and especially the well wishes last week after my plea for guidance ahead of the big day.  It wasn't what I expected, I was more awake than I thought I was going to be, and I heard a lot more than I wanted to, but it's done with, so that's a positive.

I will say, I did learn a thing or two in the hours, and even the day following the procedure, and figured I might share these bits of wisdom (hah), with you.

Shopping While Doped

Apparently, in the hours following the visit to the dentist, I decided that it was a great idea to do a TON of online shopping, like, a couple hundred dollars worth.  Mind you, I was on some heavy anesthesia that knocked me out, so I don't remember ordering...

4 pairs of black pants


An assortment of shirts to go with said pants (and yes I already started returning things)


Did you catch those sneakers?  $140 for those babies (don't knock my Yankee pajama pants).  They are quite comfortable, so they might stay.


Apparently I also felt that my daughter needed a new jacket from Target


Not pictured, a bulk order of toilet bowl cleaner, cat litter box inserts and a laundry basket.

I kid you not, beginning Thursday afternoon and all the way through the weekend, my phone and doorbell were going off alerting me to deliveries, and I was more and more surprised with every box that showed up on the front steps.  After the first few packages came and I began to realize what I had done, I decided not to go through my order history and emails and just ride out the surprises.

The real surprise came when I looked at my credit card statements after my delusional shopping spree.

Aside from shopping while on pain meds, other post-wisdom teeth removal tips:

  • don't eat too many ice pops, you will get frost bite on your tongue
  • wait until you're completely weaned off of all meds before attempting to put any jewelry back on, especially a nose ring back into your half numb face
  • follow the after care steps and information they give you down to the last detail, "maybe I can handle an english muffin" is not something you should be saying to yourself a few days after having 2 teeth ripped out if the approved food list doesn't say exactly that
  • and finally, it might be a good idea to delete your amazon app, or at least disconnect your credit card from your favorite shopping apps for a few days if you're planning to have anesthesia....

Just another adventure in the life of Val!

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9 Old Hudson Valley Hot Spots: What Are They Now?