I'm not gonna lie. This isn't typical "WRRV" music. It's actually post-rock. Post-rock is a genre of rock music typified by using guitars as more than just instruments to create straight guitar sounds. Guitars are used to create percusssion, sweeping spacey sounds, and everything in between. Post-rock bands are also very often without a vocalist. They have a tendency to be very spacey and epic in their sounds.

I found post-rock when I found "Explosions In The Sky". A friend of mine in college played their latest album for me and it was like I found something that I had no idea could exist. EITS is sweeping, and epic and very often mind-blowing. Soundscapes is a terrible word, but makes a lot of sense.

My current personal favorites for post-rock is "Caspian", "Appalaches" and of course EITS.

It's not just a show. It's a full body experience. I saw the listing for the concert and got goofy excited. You don't even need to know the band's catalog to get hit by a truck, in a good way. Tickets start at $35, and it might end up being the best $35 you spend all year. They're that incredible.