3 Face Coverings That Won’t Be Allowed in Gyms When They Reopen
Gyms will require masks at all times upon reopening. The state has not approved certain types of face coverings.
There will be strict guidelines that gyms will need to follow as they reopen. What kind of face covering you're allowed to wear at the facility is now a big part of the new regulations.
Many of us have been waiting to get back to the gym for roughly six months. Gyms have offered virtual and outdoor classes but it's just not the same as going inside. It was recently announced by Governor Cuomo that we could be going back as soon as August 24. The gyms will open up with some very strict guidelines handed down by the state. Most are required of the facility themselves but one major responsibility will be put on the gym members.
Face coverings will be required at all times while in the facility but the state is very specific about what masks will not be accepted.
Cloth coverings and disposable surgical masks that cover the nose and mouth will be accepted. However, these face coverings will not gain you access to the gym based on the most recent rules.
Mask That Aren't Approved for Gyms When They Reopen