It's almost racing season in the Northeast! You may think I'm taking about a regular footrace, and I've run my fair share. But I don't mean that anymore. I've become addicted.

To mud.

To be fair, most of the mud runs these days aren't tremendously muddy, except for certain spots. They've kind of straight morphed into obstacle course races, or OCR's. Sure, there's mud in them, but that isn't them 100% of the time.

I started with these things when I was woefully out of shape and horrifically uninformed. I ran a Spartan Race in Tuxedo, and I was DESTROYED. But I decided to get better. And I worked at it a lot, ran a bunch of different races and in my last race, finished in the top 25% out in San Diego. (Yes, I flew across the country to run an OCR. It was the middle of the winter and I crashed on my best friends couch. It was pretty awesome.)

Anywho! I KNOW I have some OCR  brethren out there, and I'd love to see what races you guys have run. Race season is about to hit us, I've got my runs lined up and you guys should be out there with me!