5 Thanksgiving Table Must Haves for an Awesome Day
As you get ready for Thanksgiving have you thought about what people will saying about the big turkey day celebration at your house? Will they be talking about how great (or how horrible) the food was or will they be talking about how much fun they had at your house for Thanksgiving?
Here are a few must haves to make sure that your Turkey Day celebration is great regardless of how the food turned out or if you (gasp) ran out of alcohol:
No one can keep a straight face if they are wearing this hat, by getting 3 of them, you can make sure to share in the fun and the instagram photos. One of these might even magically appear on your Uncles head when he is snoozing on the couch after the meal. Remember to keep your phone charged so you can take pics.
No table can be complete without salt & pepper shakers. Look how cute these ones are, they are even magnetic. Just make sure to check your Aunt's purse before she leaves to make sure they are not going home with her.
Everyone loves to have gravy at Thanksgiving, so why not make the 'guest' of honor also a part of the celebration? Here is a dish that you can use for the gravy.
How over the top would it be (it's probably an 8 on the Martha Stewart scale) to have your butters also in the shape of turkeys? It takes about an hour to make a bunch of these little turkeys out of butter (they need time to set and firm up). If you are feeling really ambitious, you can make little chocolate turkeys or mints with this same mold.
Lastly, make sure your friends and family really know that it is all about this little guy. Make sure to have a tablecloth with a turkey on it. Yes, you pretty much can only drag this thing out on Thanksgiving Day, but every kid who sees it will remember it and want to see it the next year as well.
Enjoy the time with your family and remember is more important to enjoy the day than worry about the food.
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