Most Americans Admit to Being Social Drinkers, Are You?
Do you drink during social events or do you drink all by your lonesome? Most of the country prefers to party.
I'm not a big drinker myself but apparently these are the moments when most Americans drink in celebratory fashion. According to, they've found out when most people are taking a drink.
Most people admit to drinking in social situations. According to people surveyed all over the country these are the events where people drink the most.
Here are the most common events where people admitted to drinking with others.
Events to Social Drink
- Birthdays
- Bachelor / Bachelorette Parties
- Weddings
- Anniversary
Here are some reasons people admitted to drinking by themselves
Reasons to Drink Alone
- Boredom
- Buying a House
- A Promotion at Work
- Hitting a Fitness Goal
There's a clear difference in atmosphere with both ways of drinking. Some people prefer to party and others like to be George Thorogood and drink alone.
Which one are you?