Crazy Underground Boxing Matches Happening in NY Parks
The first rule of fight club is you don't post it to the Instagram!
Maybe they are just working their way towards taking on Jake or Logan Paul. They could be battling it out with Floyd Mayweather soon at this rate.
They call the sport of boxing a sweet science. Well I guess the boxing ring is like Facebook. Everyone is an expert now.
We've come a long way from Sonny Liston, Muhammad Ali, George Foreman and the Hudson Valley's own Mike Tyson.
Up until recently boxing was on life support. A lot of casual and die hard sports fans alike seemed to have been ready to pull the plug on boxing for a while now. Mixed Martial Arts took over years ago and it had no signs of stopping. However, boxing never went away. In fact, it has continued to have astonishing payouts for boxers despite having a seemingly low fan base.
According to Forbes, the bout against Connor McGregor made $30 million and Floyd Mayweather made $100 million for their fight back in 2018. How is sport that's dead paying out that much money.
Boxing never died. It evolved and in to something so bizarre. Now some of the highest paid boxers are arguably boxers. YouTube and MMA fighters are dominating the sport not with their boxing skills but with their ability to sell tickets and Pay Per Views.
These new fights have breathed new life into the sport and has brought in a whole new fan base.
It seems like everyone wants to be a boxer these days.
People are duking it out in the middle of New York City. Is this legal?
According the the New York Post, amateur boxers are having unsanctioned matched in Washington Square Park. People posted videos on Instagram but they were reportedly deleted within 24 hours. This isn't the first time something like this took place. Here is a video of some match that took place in Union Square a few years ago.