Remember back in the day when we could just stop, pay someone $1.75 and move on with our lives? These bills are like the Terminator, they just won't stop.

I can't be the only person in the state who misses stopping at a toll booth.

Cash sign at toll booths

I absolutely hate getting these bills.

Paying tolls was something that I had to adjust to. I grew up in Michigan and we don't have any toll roads. The only time I have ever had to pay a toll before moving to New York was at the Ohio Turnpike.

Once I moved to Albany, I quickly realized that New Yorkers pay a toll for almost everything. It seems like Hudson Valley residents get hit the hardest with road and bridge tolls. I was unprepared more often than not. I could never bring myself to buy an E-Z Pass despite the obvious convenience and I rarely ever had cash or change on me. If I'm being honest I often forget that I'm going to go through tolls. I work and live in Dutchess County and I don't cross the bridge very often.

Just as I started to adapt to the toll booth the state took them away from us and since I don't have an E-Z Pass I get the joys of being pen pals with the Thruway Authority.

This latest bill was especially heartwarming just in time for the holidays.

I must have not gotten my last bill or maybe it was discarded on accident and now my overdue balance is more than what I owe in tolls.

Has this happened to anyone else? How did you dispute it? I don't have 3 hours to wait on hold.

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