Dashboard Confessional singer Chris Carrabba has revealed through social media that he's been recently hospitalized after he was involved in a motorcycle accident earlier this month. While the vocalist says his injuries were severe, they are not considered life threatening and he's determined to make a full recovery.

In his message to fans, Carrabba posted a photo of himself in his hospital bed and revealed that he still has more surgeries and months of rehab to follow. But rather than dwell on that, he wanted to express his support of the Black Lives Matter movement. He explained that he might not have as much access to follow the news while he continues treatment, but wanted it known where he stood.

Carrabba's full message and photo can be viewed below:

Hi friends,

On June 6th I was in a motorcycle accident. My injuries were severe but not life threatening. I owe the amazing doctors, nurses and medical team treating me my endless gratitude. I am determined to make a full recovery, but I have surgeries and months of rehab to come.

I have not lost sight of the social issues at hand and even in the condition I'm in I find it important to state that I stand with Black Lives Matter. In the near future it is likely I will not be able to follow the news as much as I normally would. If you don't hear from me on critical social issue I trust that you will know where I stand.

I'd like to thank: Bell Helmets, Biltwell, Rev'it, Alpine Star and Wolverine Boots for making the safety gear that protected my body in the crash.

I would also like that thank my family and friends for coming together to support me in this time of need. To all reading this I would like to say thank you for standing by me through my recovery. This will be difficult physically, emotionally and financially and I'm grateful to have your support as I go through it.

Dashboard Confessional's most recent release was 2018's Crooked Shadows, though last year saw them revisiting three of their early recordings packaged together as a triple LP titled Now Is Then Is Now. Earlier this year, the group started their 20th anniversary celebration issuing the hits collection, The Best Ones of the Best Ones. However, touring in support of their hit set was cut short due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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