Don’t Forget Sunscreen As You Go Outside to Social Distance
You're probably looking to get outside more as you're social distancing and the weather is nice.
Spring is here, the weather is beautiful, and now more than ever people want to go outside. Yes, remember to be socially distant. Truly, you shouldn't be in groups at all. But if you MUST go outside, do not forget the sunscreen.
I was outside on Saturday and it was beautiful out. But my pale self made a classic mistake: I forgot sunscreen. Now I'm sporting a nice tomato red forehead. Trust me, it's not cute. It's also just really bad for you. Using sunscreen prevents sunburn which prevents issues and complications down the road.
So please, as you go outside to keep yourself from going insane during quarantine, don't forget the sunscreen. Imagine having COVDI-19 AND a sunburn? Jeez, that sounds miserable. Stay safe, stay healthy, stay away from others!
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