Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over: Holiday Enforcement Campaign
25 Non-Profits to Support in the Hudson Valley
While people benefit from them every single day, non-profit organizations remain one of the many overlooked key parts of communities. Within New York State alone, there are 116,834 non-profit organizations created to benefit the local communities, with over thousands of them being located within the Hudson Valley. With many focusing on multiple different needs of various communities, there are non-profits in the Hudson Valley that advocate for community, change, and growth – all for little to no direct profit.
Non-profits rely on the support of their local communities to be able to spread their messages and widen their audiences, allowing more people to benefit from their organizations. From creative arts and wildlife explorations to support and donation centers, there are multiple non-profits located in the Hudson Valley that cater towards the needs of their respective communities to help aid in their growth.