Dutchess County Cat Rescue Volunteer Opportunities
Was one of your resolutions this year to do some volunteering?
Even if the answer is no, if you are an animal lover, you may not be able to turn down this opportunity! STRAY H.E.L.P., based out of Fishkill, is looking for some volunteers to help with their local cat colonies. According to their website:
we strive to rescue and care for stray and homeless cats while providing humane education to the community. We believe in the Trap/Neuter/Return or Place philosophy - there is a choice, an opportunity, for every cat in Dutchess County.
A facebook post over the weekend put out a call for various help opportunities for the new year. More information and a link to the volunteer application can be found HERE.
Even if you can't commit to fostering in your home, there are plenty of other ways to get involved and help out local cats like helping with feedings or transporting the animals to vet visits.
I was involved with a cat rescue while in grad school and it was the most rewarding experience EVER! It started out as part of an assignment and I ended up sticking around for quite some time after my project was done because I became so connected to the animals I was working with.
Give back to the local community in 2019 - check!
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