‘Magic’ Predator Caught on Video In Ulster County
It's not everyday that you look in your backyard and see one of the Hudson Valley's most elusive predators walking on water.
While "walking on water" might be an exaggeration (as you'll see in the video below), there are a few other characteristics of the animal that make them seem like magic.
Fascinating Predator Caught on Camera in Esopus, NY
While larger animals like black bear and even moose might steal most of the local wildlife headlines, there are some smaller creatures that are just as fascinating, like the predator recently spotted in a backyard in Esopus, NY in Ulster County (below).
Fisher Seen on Backyard Camera in Ulster County
"Had a [fisher] in my pool area!! Kind of crazy- he was quite large, probably with the tail about 3 ft long", a Hudson Valley resident shared on Facebook. They also shared what they considered to be quite the magic trick.
Famous Fisher "Magic Tricks"
"Even crazier he escaped under our pool gate, only 2 1/2” inches of clearance between the bottom of the gate and the stone patio", they marveled (below). Other residents related similar experiences.
Fishers in the Hudson Valley, NY
"That’s why they can be so deadly to a chicken coop, they can fit through incredibly tight spaces", cautioned one commenter. Another recommended reporting the fisher to a program launched by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC).
NYS DEC Furbearer Sighting Survey
The NYS DEC are conducting a "furbearer sighting survey", and are collecting information about activities of certain animals (like fishers) in New York State. The "furbearer" category refers to animals legal to hunt for their pelts in the state.
NYS DEC Fisher Demographic Study
The NYS DEC have also recently conducted a fisher demographic study, digging deeper into the movements and activities of local animals. Fishers are caught, fit with tracking collars, and then re-released into the wild (below).
Bear on Campus at SUNY New Paltz NY
Gallery Credit: Paty Quyn